Zenith’s Rolli Wants To Up-End Attention Norms To Popularize Interactive Video

SALISBURY, Ct. — In a world where consumers’ attention spans are shorter than that of a goldfish and they are bombarded by up to 50,000 ads in a single day, captivating an audience is “harder than ever”.

That is acknowledged by Dan Rolli, EVP, Head of Investment at Publicis Groupe’s Zenith.

In this video interview with Mike Shields for Beet.TV, Rolli argues that, to capture attention, the industry needs to move beyond traditional forms of video advertising and foster more engaging, interactive environments.

Overcoming Legacy Norms in Video

“When I refer to legacy norms, particularly in video, it is the expectation that they are, in most part, an awareness driver, and they’ve always sat at the top of the funnel,” Rolli explains.

He points out that, for decades, video was a passive experience – but the advent of technology and choice in the 2000s put the power back into the viewer’s hands, flipping video advertising on its head.

Despite this, Rolli observes that the industry still primarily views video as an awareness-driving tool. To truly change, he says, “we’re really in it together – media and creative – in terms of how we can up-end those legacy norms and expectations in video”.

Mentoring the Media’s Future Talent Pool

Nurturing the next generation of talent becomes increasingly critical to achieving that.

Rolli’s approach to mentoring was shaped significantly by the pandemic. “Trust and empathy are the cornerstones of good leadership,” he says. He learned to trust that work was getting done even when teams weren’t physically together, and to be empathetic during the challenging times.

He also noticed that those who might categorize themselves as introverts thrived in the remote work environment. “I saw their work shine more than maybe any other personality types,” says Rolli. As offices reopen, he believes it’s crucial to create a space where both introverts and extroverts can succeed.

“Just as there’s a hybrid nature to how we’re working physically or at home, there needs to be a hybrid, more inclusive way for introverts and extroverts to redefine what good leadership and mentorship means,” Rolli concludes.

You’re watching coverage of Beet Retreat Berkshires, our latest Retreat in Salisbury, Connecticut — presented by Magnite, KERV & TransUnion. For more videos from this event, pleasevisit this page.