TV Ads Could Soon Be Sold Programmatically, Magna’s Todd Gordon

The key efficiency new-wave digital media sales holds over TV is clear – super-targeting through addressable, automated and programmatic buying models. But TV ads could soon be sold using the same techniques.

“The technology to do that in digital display is a lot further along than in linear TV – but we believe that, over time, a portion of linear TV will be sold that way as well,” EVP of Interpublic Magna Global strategy unit Todd Gordon tells Beet.TV in this video interview.

“By using data to identify the right advertiser for a spot at a given time, the networks will be able to achieve higher yield for their inventory than the current methods of packaging that inventory.

“Most of their business will stay the same – but we think a significant portion of their business will shift to a model where audience quality is going to define the price more so than environment.”

Gordon was a panelist at the Beet.TV Video Ad Effectiveness summit presented by Nielsen.

Mediapost’s MediaDailyNews has a full write-up by David Goetzl.

What do you think? Could the TV industry, which often sells ads using broad demographics, adopt online sales technologies to address individual consumers?

Magna is the media buying agency umbrella of IPG Mediabrands.