TV Apps Maker 24i Media Coming To America

AMSTERDAM — Content owners who want to get their content on new smart TV platforms frequently need technology vendor help. One such TV app maker, 24i Media of the Netherlands, is expanding globally on this quest.

“We probably will start an office this year in the United States in order to be closer to our clients,” CEO Martijn Van Horssen says in this video interview with Beet.TV. The outfit already has an office in Spain, from where it also serves the Latin America market.

24i Media clients include HBO and, in Holland, Fox Sports, whose live soccer matches it helps deliver on to smart TVs.

Its own white label app development toolset can plug in to video technology vendor Brightcove’s own, which is already used by many content owners to deliver video to older platforms like web and mobile.

“With Brightcove, we create applications … you can customise with your own logogo, background and color schemes… it can be connected to the Brightcove system.”