Automated Video Ad Buying Growing Up Down Under

NAPA, Ca — Online advertising’s programmatic evolution is radiating from the US, through the UK and Europe, and is now lapping Australia’s shores.

“Most of our clients are on board with the concept and are shifting considerable budgets over in to the concept of programmatic buying,” Phil Cowlinshaw, Head of Technology at Australian media agency Ikon Communications tells Beet.TV in this video interview. “We’re starting to see the majority of them get involved in programmatic.”

Together with TubeMogul, Ikon has built a platform to aggregate online video ad space from Australian broadcasters.

“The relationship is between Ikon Communications commas and the publishers rather than with a third-party trading desk and a publisher,” Cowlinshaw adds, speaking at TubeMogul University, the vendor’s customer gathering.

Find all our coverage of the TubeMogul event here.