Ebuzzing’s Daily: Advertisers Should Only Pay For Willing Consumers

The video advertising industry has recently started to focus conversion on “viewability” – the metric that uncovers whether users are really watching videos and ads.

One easy way to uncover viewability may be for advertisers to use interactive ads that demand engagement, rather than pre-roll ads which are passive, suggests US GM Jim Daily of video and social ad tech firm Ebuzzing.

“The majority of the video dollars are going to pre-roll,” Daily says. “If you give the consumer a op to engage with advertisements, they will or will not. Our clients should only pay for the consumers that say ‘Yes, please advertise to me’. All our ad units are all user-initiated… expand to full-screen.”

Previous research has shown ads engaged with by users yield brand uplift over passive ads.

Ebuzzing was co-founded by French web entrepreneur Pierre Chapaz, who previously sold Kelkoo to Yahoo.

Daily spoke with us at Beet.TV’s executive retreat at Vieques, Puerto Rico.