Digital Video Buying Goes Multi-Platform, Videology’s Gaskamp

Many folks in the online video advertising world are advancing their notion that TV and online video advertising are fusing together. Now some new numbers show how strong that belief is.

This report commissioned by video ad tech group Videology from Forrester finds a majority of advertisers, agencies and media organizations believe ad campaigns will be planned holistically across all devices.

Forrester Videology ad planning chart


That’s something Videology is already seeing on its network. “Fifty percent of (our) campaigns are selected as (device-)agnostic,” development SVP Brent Gaskamp tells Beet.TV.

“That campaign can be delivered via digital format – connected TV, online video, tablet or mobile. As long as that campaign is delivering the ROI against those KPIs I set to begin with, I really don’t care, in video, where the media mix shifts.”

Gaskamp was speaking at Beet.TV’s annual executive retreat at Vieques, Puerto Rico.