The Search For Standards For Addressable Ads

All manner of companies is shooting to make digital advertising that’s “addressable” – targetable to individual users across devices. But when will, if ever, will there be a single standard for that lens?

“That’s still an open discussion,” says global product manager Stefan Maris of TV-syncing ad technology service Civolution. “One of the discussions we are having is with Ad-ID. Ad-ID could be in a very logical place to be this unique (campaign) identifier the industry – but we are not there yet.”

Ad-ID has been operating for a decade under the auspices of the American Association of Advertising Agencies and the Association of National Advertisers, attempting to define common rules for packaging up video ads for publishing platforms.

“Addressability is extremely valuable,” says Brian Gleason, north America MD of Group M’s Xaxis data-driven ad unit. “If we can take advantage of that relationship between broadcast and the mobile device … and come back with relevant results – that is definitely an ‘ah-hah’ moment.”

They were interviewed by Furious Minds CEO Ashley J. Swartz at Beet.TV’s recent annual executive retreat in Vieques, Puerto Rico.