Open Ad Exchanges Need Open Practices: IPG’s Seiler

After GroupM announced, earlier this year, it would no longer buy online ads from open exchange marketplaces, more criticism is being voiced by ad buyers about how such exchanges operate.

IPG Mediabrands’ global CEO Matt Seiler tells Beet.TV in this video that more openness is needed from the “open” end of the industry.

“Pretty big advocates as we are about open, clients have some big concerns about what’s going on within trading desks and fear they don’t have control over what audiences are being aggregated through what means and through what margin is attached to that.

“Transparency is a requirement in this space. The more open we are in programmatic, the more likely that the whole automation delivery will happen.”

We spoke with Seiler  for “The Road to DMEXCO,” a series of interviews with industry leaders produced in New York, London and San Francisco.    It is sponsored by the automatic content recognition (ACR) technology provider Civolution.

Please find more videos from the series here.  Beet.TV is a media sponsor of DMEXCO and will be covering the conference extensively.