Brightcove’s New Player Fights Ad-Blockers

AMSTERDAM — Video technology vendor Brightcove last week unveiled Perform, a new service offering publishers its HTML5 video player with analytics, content protection and ad insertion built in.

One other feature signifies a war on the ad blockers: “By being able to circumvent ad blockers, we allow you to capture that 30% to 40% of your (ad) inventory that the user might be able to block,” Brightcove product management VP Phil Costa tells Beet.TV in this video interview recorded at DMEXCO.

Costa describes Perform as a “modular way” for customers to use Brightcove’s technologies with their own systems, leading with its video player.

This video is part of series of videos covering the IBC Show.  Please find all of our coverage of the show right here.  Beet’s coverage of IBC is sponsored by Brightcove/