FreeWheel Aims To Empower And Protect Advertisers, Publishers

NAPA, CA — Comcast-owned video ad server FreeWheel cut its recent partnership with TubeMogul to protect but empower both sides of the advertising chain, says FreeWheel business solutions GM James Rooke.

The partnership sees advertisers use their own audience data to buy video ads via TubeMogul, whilst TubeMogul lets publishers do deals using that data – but sensitivities are safeguarded, Rooke tells Beet.TV in this video interview.

“We need to ensure brand advertisers’ data is protected and the advertiser is never going to pass their data to the publisher,” he says. “On the flip side, our publishers don’t want to pass their inventory across to the buy side.

Rooke adds that FreeWheel has seen a 250 percent year-on-year growth in viewing coming via TV Everywhere services.

We spoke with him recently at the TubeMogul partner meeting.  For more videos from the event, please visit this page.