Daily Mail, Dr. Phil Consummate Story Sharing With TV Show Marriage

CANNES — Late 2015 and early 2016 already look like shaping up to be the time when the biggest online media brands try breaking in to the old medium of TV.

AOL already hopes to gain distribution for its new HuffPo Show weekly satirical show, and BuzzFeed is known to be considering its options. Now it looks like Dr. Phil McGraw of the Dr Phil show will be DailyMail.com’s beachhead for its own US TV ambitions.

At Cannes Lions, the pair announced they would be co-creating a new daily syndicated lifestyle show for broadcast in fall 2016, as NYT reports. The series will be executive produced by Carla Pennington, executive producer of Dr. Phil and The Doctors) and Jay McGraw, executive producer of The Doctors, and Dr. Phil.

“They were surprised that we got so many stories from them, and we were surprised that they got so many stories from us,” Phil tells Beet.TV in this video interview. “It was like a marriage made in heaven. We need to quit just sharing stories – we need to start creating television together. I am more excited about this than anything since the launch of the Dr Phil show.

“We think it’s going to be a disruptive play int television because we’re doing something that has not been done before … Nobody has done … human interest stories on a daily basis from a standpoint of a human interest, the people caught in the middle of it. We’re going to give you the rest of the story.”

We interviewed McGraw as part of a series on video advertising at Cannes Lions, presented by true[X].  For more videos from the series, please visit this page.