Ad Buyers Need Standardized Viewability Metric: Teads’ Daily

CANNES — When the Media Ratings Council specced out what truly constitutes a “viewable” ad impression, in a world increasingly falling victim to fraudulent ads, ad buyers rejoiced. And then the whole system began fragmenting.

Now, it seems, some customers are getting confused about which viewability trackers are right.

“As viewability becomes more and more a transitionary element of how people are buying media, one of the most important things is going to be a unified measurement structure,” according to auto-playing video ad tech company Teads’ USA president Jim Daily, in this video interview with Beet.TV.

“You have some fantastic companies out there, that we work with quite a bit, that are tracking viewability. Sometimes, we’ll see that, for the same impression on the same publisher, these three companies have very different results.

“The faster we can get to a point that everybody can have the exact same standards, the standard we can get to truncating on viewable impressions.”

Daily is echoing the views even of IAB US CEO Randall Rothenberg, who told Beet.TV in April: “There are 17 accredited viewability vendors in the field and at least a dozen more in the pipeline to be accredited by the MRC. This proliferation of vendors has been an utter obstacle, they’ve just confused everybody.”

Beet.TV partnered with Teads for events on the yacht and sponsored this series of videos.