Digital Ads For Legacy TV To Take Off In 2017: Videa’s Williams

A wave of technology companies is helping advertisers turn traditional TV in to a digital medium, by mashing together data sources and ad slots to enable internet-style consumer targeting. But don’t expect the new practice to become commonplace this year, or even next.

“We’ve come a long way, but adoption is still really early,” according to 

Videa president Shereta Williams, whose company aggregates TV ad spots in to a supply-side platform, connected to buying platforms like Mediaocean, Videology and Adapt.TV (AOL).

“The next 12 months will be about getting that adoption curve… a lot more scaled supply available for buyers to buy. We’ll start to learn what are the right business rules, the right metrics, how much of an impact can this really have.

“It will be a lot of learnings over the next 12 months, and 2017 is when you’ll really start to see money shift in to this channel in a big way.”

Although tools like Videa are giving TV ad buyers digital-style chops, few go as far as facilitating linear TV ad buying in real-time, like some online display ad tech platforms. Williams is amongst the platform bosses who thinks it is better to work with the TV industry’s traditional norm of doing ad deals much farther in advance.