Combining Linear And Digital Ads Boosts ROI: Videology Research

LONDON — In a fragmenting media universe, how much budget should advertisers spend on TV versus digital? And what is the effect of that answer?

Those are some of the thorny questions ad buyers are wrestling with, as they explore the impact of different channels – and Videology claims to have found the answers.

It recently published research commissioned from Gain Theory in to the impact of channel mix – and the results are fascinating. Videology EMEA MD Jana Eisenstein tells Beet.TV:

  1. Combined spend boosts results: “On average, it’s 1.27 benefit or return on top of the linear advertising spend. If you’re spending £2 on a campaign, your ROI would increase to £2.54.”
  2. Premium content is king: “If you reach an average composition of 60% broadcaster in your overall media buy, your return on investment can increase 250% – your ROI would be 2.5 versus 1.27, which is pretty astounding actually. Content does matter.”
  3. Spend lags opportunity: “On average, 5% of budget was spend on digital video. The optimal allocation of video advertising would be 12.8%. That’s a significant increase. Brands should be looking at dedicating a little bit more to digital channels.”

These numbers are some of the first and most useful to quantify the hard data behind the effect of mixed media spend.

They suggest it’s not an “either-or” choice, that ad buyers should be complementing traditional spend with digital, but upping their game on the latter.