How comScore Clients Demand Deduplicated Measurement

CANNES — One screen good, two screens better… but, in households with multiple people and multiple devices, how are advertisers and content owners supposed to understand consumption anymore?

That’s where media measurement agencies come in – and that’s why digital measurer comScore agreed to merge with TV mesaurement firm Rentrak last year. The outcome – a combined measurement powerhouse for a mixed-media world.

“Planning has tended to be done in silos – mobile, PC and TV. We’re being asked by our clients to start deduplicating, from a unique visitors perspective, across these disparate platforms,” Anthony Psacharopoulos, comScore’s EVP, tells Beet.TV in this video interview.

“We’ve stitched together the digital data that we’ve historically connected, along with Rentrak data … across planning solutions, activation solutions and campaign measurement solutions.”

How does that go? Psacharopoulos offers up two real-world examples from comScore’s client base:

  1. “We work with a real estate company They’re now modifying the creatives that they have based on whether the customer owns a car. For those that don’t, they’re showing images of apartment building. For those that do, they’re showing an actual house with a two-car garage in the image.”
  2. “One of our TV clients is interested in understanding, how does the consumption of their long-form video change during the day, given the people in a household and the devices?”

The insight in to client demands is a window in to the growing clamor to understand audiences as people, no matter which device they happen to be using.

This video is part of a series titled “Exploring Data & Technology as Catalysts for Creativity.”  This series was produced at Cannes Lions 2016 in cooperation the Xaxis. The series is sponsored by comScore.  For more segments from the series, please visit this page.