Auto Firms Get 4x ROI From Addressable TV Ads, Experian Says

The possibility to target individual viewers ad households, through the medium that, previously, reached only mass audiences, is slowly emerging. So-called “addressable” TV is today deployed in roughly 45m to 50m US homes, according to various figures.

But who is buying the ads, and who stands to benefit most?

One vendor enabling the new TV future with targeting data says car firms are amongst the biggest beneficiaries.

“Auto is a primary advertiser for addressable TV,” Experian’s TV partnerships director Brad Danaher says in this panel interview convened by Beet.TV. “It has exceptional transaction data on the backend.

“We’ve seen four time the return in auto sales for what they spend on that campaign, which is tremendous. They see that and keep going.”

His company was one of the early testers of addressable TV and its data helps fuel targeting of ads on the DISH platform among others.

Alongsider Danaher, the panel discussed challenges and sensitivities in the addressable roll-out:

  • TruOptik CEO Andre Swanston: “Cross-screen is the biggest missed opportunity – people have to catch up on it. The biggest opportunity is truly being able to make consumers the same consumers across these different screens.”
  • Cardlytics TV partnerships SVP Chris Harter: “If I get an ad that doesn’t resonate with me, it can be grating. People are starting to feel, Why did I just see that? Don’t they know?’I bought a mattress – nine months later, I’m still being retargeted. We don’t exist in TV without Experian.”
  • DISH Media Sales media measurement GM Prasad Joglekar: “Consumers will accept us if there is a fair value exchange. If I can see my television experience become better, I’m willing to pay the price of (privacy). Clearly that’s not happening in digital.”

The panel was interviewed by MediaMath CMO Joanna O’Connell.

This video was produced at the Beet.TV leadership summit in New York on cross-platform addressability on July 26. The event and the series are presented by DISH Media Sales and Experian Marketing Services. Please visit this page to find additional videos from the summit.