Video’s Three Mobile Moments, According To Facebook’s Newlan

BARCELONA — Facebook doesn’t just sit back and let brands struggle with the tools it gives them for communication. It employs teams of creative heads to engage with agencies and brands, helping them produce optimum content to deploy through the network.

The leader of one such team is Rob Newlan, Facebook creative shop EMEA director.

Newlan has been in the job for six years, after helping to manage Guinness and Coca-Cola brands. And he sees the mobile video opportunity in three-fold fashion.

Here’s what Newlan told Beet.TV in this video interview at Mobile World Congress:

  1. On the go – that’s slightly more snackable content, as people are going to work or they’ve got that moment at the bus stop.”
  2. “Go a bit further on and you have a lean-forward moment, where it’s something they’re really interested in. That will take video to a place where it is immersive – be that 360 or our canvas unit…”
  3. Sit back moments – this is something they’re really interested in, maybe it is an appointment-to-view thing – they’re going to watch it on mobile for as long as that content it good.”

Facebook’s Creative Shop is a team of brand marketers, creative directors and strategists who build ideas to help clients grow their business.

“The thing I look for for all great video is value exchange,” Newlan adds. “What is the reciprocity I get back from the brand and the brand gets from me?”