Dynamic Ads Give Creative Biggest Upside, Prohaska Says

The world of digital advertising has spent the last couple of years enthralled by the new targeting, automation and trading super-powers bestowed on it by software.

Now – almost apologetically, it seems – many ad-tech execs take pains to remember to talk about the messages that, after all, make advertising tick.

Indeed, creativity is back on the agenda now that the latest technology can help advertisers shoot and dynamically assemble different ads in different ways for different groups of viewers.

That’s why, over the next few years, Matt Prohaska thinks it is now creative – and not data – which has the biggest head room for growth.

“In terms of which has most upside and room for creative, it’s by far creative,” says Prohaska, a former New York Times programmatic ad exec who now runs his own Prohaska Consulting advisory, in this video interview with Beet.TV.

“The ability to … have data impact creative decision-making at the ops and strats level, before any production takes place; that is starting to happen. We’re moving from one flat, static piece of storytelling to being able to insert different vignettes and moments that can speak to a particular segment.”

Several vendors are now offering advertisers dynamic assembly of creative assets. By and large, clients need to bring multiple components of finished ads to the table.

It is a far cry from the days of shooting a single 30-second clip for all viewers.

But it is also a very different opportunity in digital, one that Prohaska and others say should be used not just to ignite brand interest but also to drive specific conversions like sales.

“Everything is gearing down the funnel,” he adds. “It all comes down to results. Everyone’s keeping their eyes on the same prize, and that’s outcomes.”

This video is part of a Beet.TV leadership summit on video outcomes presented by Eyeview.   For more videos from event, please visit this page.