How Platforms Are Creating New Ad Formats: Spotify, Facebook, Innovid & true[X] Discuss

VIEQUES, PR — The IAB may have a list of standard ad formats, the hymnsheet that the online advertising industry sings from. But ad formats are changing every day.

Publishers and platforms go on tinkering with offering new ad experiences in a never-ending quest to push the boundaries and increase consumer attention.

But what happens when publishers innovate ahead of the standard curve, how do they approach inventing a new format, and what are the results? A panel of executives convened at the Beet Retreat summit discussed during this panel debate.

true[X] east coast sales and partnerships SVP Sam Amiri:

“Digital has always struggled because it never had its own native ad break or format. We just, as an industry, took pre-existing platforms, took a TV spot and called it pre-roll, took a newspaper ad and called it display.

“As a consumer, it’s difficult to find a reason to support advertising in our daily experience. There’s no reason to want to see those ads.”

Spotify video sales head Brian Danzis:

“What if you could speak to someone when they’re going for a run, or lifting weights? Music gives us a unique opportunity to look at what people are feeling, what they’re doing and decide on multimedia ad formats to reach them with.

“Knowing what people are feeling and thinking about based on the music that they listen to gives marketers the ability to reach somebody in a proper mindset.

“We released a new ad format in the fall called ‘branded moments’, where you could take existing creative, we would help retro-fit it for vertical, allowing advertisers to speak to users in these moments that matter.”

Facebook agency partner manager Jason Dailey:

“We start with watching consumers. Once we find something that seems to be a common thread across all of them, we figure out how to build a solution or produce around it.

“Right now, we’re trying to create ways for people to create, share and consume video in all the ways they want to – vertical formats, live formats, ephemeral formats… short-form… long-form … creating the widest possible palette of options there is.”

Innovid co-founder Tal Chalozin:

“The problem is scale. (Marketers say), ‘I need my message on YouTube, Snap, Hulu and many other places and I don’t want to work with each and every one of them to build something that is (only) a little different’ … that doesn’t translate well between devices.”

This interview was conducted by Furious Corp CEO Ashley J. Swartz.

This video is part of a series produced at the Beet.TV Executive Retreat in Vieques. The event and series is presented by Videology and 605. For more videos from the series, please visit this page.