Household Or Key-Holder: How Precise Can TVs Target Ads?

LAS VEGAS — On the spectrum of new-wave TV ad-targeting techniques, many executives are dreaming a degree of targeting precision that can customise ad delivery for individual TV viewers.

That may be an intriguing possibility. Indeed, on many over-the-top devices, it may even be the norm.

But, for a television industry whose infrastructure has been built up around the concept of the household, that may be about as granular as advertisers can get, or should want to get.

That was a view expressed at a panel Beet.TV convened to discuss the new techniques.

“Television is bought and sold at the household level,” Tru Optik CEO Andre Swanton said. “You don’t necessarily know who in the household is consuming the content at that time. That is ‘solutions 2.0’ to figure out.”

And Fox Networks Group advertising data and technology group SVP Noah Levine echoed that view, saying current currencies for measuring TV ads were built to fit a model based on households, not viewers.

“Nielsen has done a beautiful job in the linear television market,” Leine said. “It’s an extremely trusted currency. There is no equivalent outside of linear television.

“… It’s less important to have a very specific currency for very specific data segments, of which there could be thousands. But there must be an evolution so that we solve for unduplicated reach, cross-platform.”

Regardless of the level of targeting precision, there will be value simply in TV ad delivery over new connected devices, said Ooyala ad platforms GM Scott Braley.

“Television ads are not being viewed, they’re not being seen, they’re not impacting me at all,” he said. “So unskippable OTT inventory is actually pretty sizeable opportunity from a viewability and impact standpoint.”

This video is part of Beet.TV’s coverage of the 2017 NAB Show in Las Vegas.   The series is sponsored by Ooyala.  For more coverage of NAB, please visit this page.