605’s Tatta Goes ‘Full-Funnel’ On TV Ad Measurement

Many in the advertising world are shifting their goals for TV marketing. No longer is the format just about building brand – in the connected TV era, attribution can also help marketers close the loop, all the way through to purchase.

But Ben Tatta doesn’t think marketers should focus only on a single goal. He wants to ensure they can measure everything.

That is why the company he is president of, 605, last month launched a new product to do just that.

Called Impact Index, it aims to be a scientifically-based approach for measuring the impact of TV advertising on both branding and sales – essentially, uniting both the top and bottom of the marketing “funnel”.

“We found that most of the focus is on sales attribution,” Tatta tells Beet.TV. “(It) is a necessity and it’s really important to understand true ROI to measure sales.

“But what we’ve seen with the campaigns that we’ve measured is that television delivers brand impact more powerfully than any other platform. So, if solely measuring on the basis of sales attribution, you’re only really going to measure a portion of the value that television delivers.”

Impact Index is the productisation of work 605 had already been carrying out in analytics for Walmart and Uber.

It includes a database of 12 million households and survey data, matched against known household ad exposure.

The interview was conducted at the Beet Retreat in the City at the post event reception by Ashley J. Swartz, CEO and founder of Furious Corp.

This video was produced at the Beet Retreat in City & Town Hall on June 6, 2018 in New York City. The event and video series are presented by LiveRamp, TiVo, true[X] and 605. For more videos from the series, please visit this page.