Linear TV Loves Programmatic: Hearts & Science’s Pagliuca

The collection of modern, automated ad trading practices known as “programmatic” may seem to sit squarely with natively digital media and with on-demand video.

But, little by little, other platforms are getting lit up with these new tricks, too – even good ‘ol linear TV.

“On the linear side, (we) really have been focused on ‘How do we apply that programmatic mindset to our linear teams?’,” says Megan Pagliuca, media agency Hearts & Science chief data officer, in this video interview with Beet.TV.

She says that involves a transformation in measuring, planning and allocating linear TV ads.

“We essentially have pulled together a view of TV consumption and TV performance data … using ACR (automated content recognition) and set top box data sets,” Pagliuca adds. “We can then tie that into our digital log so we have a connected view.”

The new capability allows agencies to start thinking about even linear TV ad inventory as though it were akin to digital media inventory.

When platforms are able to measure real consumption of even linear TV ad play-outs, using the automated content recognition algorithms that report what viewers are really watching as opposed to panels, the data supports more sophisticated actions.

“Then we can plan with an audience-first approach, and then we can allocate,” Pagliuca explains. “The inventory we’ve gotten through the upfronts … we buy it the same way we always have, but then we reallocate that inventory based on this smarter, more data-driven view.”

You are watching Beet.TV coverage of Cannes Lions 2019. For all of our Cannes coverage, please visit this page. Thank you to our sponsors of our festival coverage which are Amobee, Innovid, Nielsen, RTL AdConnect and Teads. Special thanks to Hearts  & Science for hosting Beet.TV for the Festival.