Twitter Is Where Brands Go Live: Maheu

Twitter’s US advertising revenue grew 29% in the second quarter of the year versus the prior year, driven partly by video growth.

But what does a brand’s Twitter engagement look like these days?

In this video interview with Beet.TV, Twitter’s VP of Americas, JP Maheu, explains the offering.

“Fundamentally, Twitter has become the news app for the world … news about any passion point that you have, whether it’s music, sports, entertainment, or politics,” Maheu says.

Product launches: “The way brands have been using Twitter is basically to support their launches.”

Conversation: “To connect with what people are talking about. Wendy’s has been one of the best brands on Twitter because they have a voice on Twitter and they really understand how to connect with culture, how to connect with what people are talking about.”

An example

“Think of Samsung launching a new mobile device,” Maheu says.

  • “They are going to livestream their launch event.
  • “They are going to generate interest behind the new device ahead of the launch, similar to a movie studio who is going to drop a trailer three months before the launch of the movie
  • “Then after the launch, they are going to re-target the people that were interested by the content during the launch phase. They are going to re-target them to promote their new device to drive for sales.

“It’s a cycle from pre-launch to the launch phase to post-launch.”

This video is part of Beet.TV’s coverage of the ANA Masters of Marketing Conference in Orlando, 2019.   The series is sponsored by  For more videos from the series, please visit this page.