CTV Starts In NYC: Experian’s Danaher On TV Targeting Data

CHICAGO –  If you can make an ad strategy work there, you can make it work anywhere. It’s up to you – but Brad Danaher recommends beginning your targeted TV ad strategy in New York.

With connected and addressable TV technology, marketers can buy ads that reach specific audiences.

In this video interview with Beet.TV, the director of TV solutions at Experian Marketing Services says the city is the perfect location to begin experiments designed to reach selected groups of viewers.

Make it there

“I often recommend advertisers who are looking to get into a targeted video advertising to start with New York,” Danaher says.

“Because the diversity of the audiences that they can target and see how those audiences respond, you can get all that you need in the New York DMA (designated media area).

“Let’s face it, there is (also) an influence. If you can get your attitudes and behaviours out that you want to the New York audience, there is some influence that is pervasive to the national market.”

TV needs data

Experian, once just a financial data company, is now playing in the wider marketing services game.

It is working with TV operators, measurement partners, OTT and CTV companies to provide data, identity services and measurement capability, including attribution to prove a campaign’s effectiveness.

Danaher says data is a new need in the industry:

  • “A TV network, they need to understand, to search your profile, the type of audiences that are watching their content so that they can explain that to the buy side.”
  • “Advertisers want to know who’s watching NBCU content, NBCU would look to us to help them understand those audiences so they can explain it to their customers, so we’re supporting them.”

Three steps for TV data

Danaher says the global pandemic has thrown the use of data in TV into sharp relief, with global online activity up 20% na budgets coming under close scrutiny.

But he says a three-step plan can help brands:

  1. Advertisers need to use advanced data to do their planning. Identify, talk to the media sellers about the audiences they have in advance.”
  2. Determine a robust methodology for measurement. Determine beforehand how you’re going to measure success for these campaigns.”
  3. Spread around your media ad spend more than you had been. Spread it maybe a little thinner but wider so that you can then measure what works.”

You are watching “Targeted Strategies, Big Impact: TV Powered by Data, Addressability and Consumer Choice,” a leadership video series from Beet.TV and VAB. For more videos, please visit this page.