Automation & Partnership Key To Future TV: Comcast’s Lemberg

New TV capabilities promise ad buyers new abilities like household targeting, frequency-capping and advanced reporting all the way to purchase outcomes.

But, to get there, the industry is currently in a phase of stitching together a still-proliferating range of viewing services and buying options.

In this video interview with Beet.TV, Kevin Lemberg, Head of Partnerships for Advertising Solutions at Comcast Technology Solutions, says, to improve matters, the industry needs to come together and use technology.

Partnership working

“In order to move the TV ecosystem into the new future, you’re going to have to have sort of a standard language,” Lemberg says.

“You’re going to have to have those standard and unified goals and objectives, because there’s going to be multiple different companies and technologies that exist within the ecosystem.”

Surveys and studies have found ad buyers believe exploiting the opportunity of convergence is too complicated.

That is causing TV networks to worry that, if buyers are put off, the opportunity may be squandered.

Lemberg says: “If you’re not speaking that same language, if you’re not partnering correctly and efficiently, and having the ability to interact with one another, and coordinate with one another, you’re going to have these islands out there that are going to be continuing to keep the TV ecosystem from evolving and from growing because each one will be in a silo.”

Automate the future

With over 720 staff, Comcast Technology Solutions offers a range of infrastructure suites for digital communication.

Lemberg thinks digitizing and automating workflows will play a big part in transformation.

“I think they’re important because it takes away a lot of the manual process,” he says.

“You have days upon days, approval upon approvals, spreadsheets upon spreadsheets, different teams having to talk to other areas, and you just couldn’t get campaigns live on time,” Lemberg explains. “So there was opportunity there to miss out on impressions and on audiences and on revenue.

“Now with these partnerships and these new technologies and the belief in automation, things are happening in a much more efficient way. The companies are seeing a business impact by being able to not only save money, but to generate more revenue opportunities, and just be more efficient and more intelligent in the way they’re working in reaching audiences.”

You are watching “What’s Next For Advertisers? Key Changes That Will Drive The Industry Forward,” a Beet.TV leadership series presented by Comcast Technology Solutions. For more videos, please visit this page. For Comcast Technology Solutions’ paper on these topics, please visit this link.