Show Me The Money: Spark Foundry’s Giacosa Wants Answers To CTV Ad Fraud

CANNES — With TV now opened up to the internet, there are estimates that connected TV ad fraud schemes could waste $144 million in US CTV ad spend.

As a woman deciding where a big chunk of advertising spending goes, Lisa Giacosa wants answers.

In this video interview with Beet.TV, Giacosa, Chief Investment Officer, Spark Foundry, describes her concerns.

Safety in numbers

“When it comes to addressable, obviously there is the audience and data aspect to be able to know who exactly who I’m reaching,” Giacosa acknowledges.

“But I also want to know about how safe is that environment. I want to see it in terms of the context, in terms of the brand suitability and of course the brand safety.

“There’s been numerous amounts of fraud in, in the space of CTV recently, so there’s that increased layer of wanting to ensure that we get exactly what we are looking for.”

Tackling bad actors

DoubleVerify, whose software had already identified fraud in digital display networks, has spent the last couple of years alerting the industry to the reality fraud has also arrived on CTV.

In February, it said recently-discovered CTV ad fraud schemes with names like MultiTerra, SneakyTerra, ParrotTerra and StreamScam were particular culprits.

It allowed customers to block them.

Rise Of The TV Bots: How Fraudulent Apps Are Poaching CTV Ads

You are watching ‘The Future of Media Measurement’, Beet.TV Leadership Summit at Cannes Lions 2022, presented by Nielsen.

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