Europe’s EGTA Hopes for Nielsen ONE, as ‘Gold Standard’ Measurement’

CANNES — Although we are seeing many broadcasters and video platforms experiment with new measurement vendors beside Nielsen, the “alt currency” game is not yet over.

In this video interview with Beet.TV, Katty Roberfroid, Director General, EGTA, says she wants to see the traditional “gold standard” of TV measurement continue.

Upgrade the standard

“To us, the priority is to measure all eyeballs, all TV viewing across all devices, all kind of video premium content, and to do it upholding the golden standard of TV measurement,” Roberfroid says.

“(TV) is content that is viewed (with) full viewability, sound (is) on, transparent, independently audited and upholding that standard, but making sure that all eyeballs are measured across the board.”

EGTA is a trade body representing European broadcasters’ advertising sales units.

EGTA represents around 150 companies operating in 42 markets.

First things first

It’s not that European broadcasters don’t want innovation.

Roberfroid says: “The first priority is getting the reach and frequency, deduplicating it.

“And then slowly but surely adding other components –  attention, attribution, sales uplift, traffic to the web, outcome and all of these things.”

Nielsen’s winning credentials

So she is backing Nielsen, which has faced challenges in the US as broadcasters question the accuracy of its historic model, to turn things around.

Roberfroid is impressed by Nielsen ONE, Nielsen’s big, future-facing cross-media measurement system, which is under development.

It would bring deduplicated viewing measurement, digital viewing data, individual ad measurement and a merger of Nielsen’s units that measure linear and streaming TV.

“If it is as it is described, I think it definitely is a winning solution,” she says. “I think they have the credentials, the past well established in many European markets.

“(There is a) long way to go, but definitely a good perspective.”

You are watching ‘The Future of Media Measurement’, Beet.TV Leadership Summit at Cannes Lions 2022, presented by Nielsen.

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