Data On Radiohead Experiment: 38 Percent Of Downloaders Choose To Pay

The first concrete analysis of Radiohead’s innovative pay-what-you-like plan for latest album In Rainbows shows thirty-eight percent of those who downloaded the title indeed chose to pay something, while 62 percent kept their change in their pocket. ComScore (NSDQ: SCOR) data (via release) shows 1.2 million people visited the site in the first 29 days of October (it was launched at the start of the month).

The average price paid was $6 on a globalized basis but Americans were more generous, coughing up $8.05 – factor in the freeloaders, however, and it’s more like an average $2.26 on a worldwide basis and $3.23 from Americans. The most common amount offered was below $4, but 12 percent were willing to pay between $8 and $12, around the typical cost of an album from iTunes. More at our sister site

EMI-RadioHead: Meanwhile, Radiohead continues to mesh tech with music and marketing. In addition to a new boxed set, the band and EMI label Parlophone are selling the full back catalog on a 4Gb USB stick in CD -quality WAV files with digital artwork — and the stick is in the shape of the Radiohead bear. It’s an online exclusive. Also, the box set comes with streaming rights for special footage.