– BSkyB (NYSE: BSY) Lost: Sky is catching up with Virgin Media (NSDQ: VMED) in the on-demand stakes, offering Lost episodes for free via its Sky Anytime PC app for anyone who already subscribes to the Variety Mix TV pack. The episodes will come with pre- and post-roll ads. It’s the first time BSkyB has offered ad-supported content through Sky Anytime. Via Media Week.
– Virgin: Virgin Media is losing two. Former Five CEO David Elstein is leaving the board. He had been a director of NTL since 2003, overseeing the merger with Telewest and the pair’s rebirth as Virgin Media last year. Announcement here. Group strategy director and consumer MD Phillip Snalune is leaving to join Yell as new media development director, charges with scoping out commercial opportunities and developing new platforms and services, NMA reports.