Industry Moves: InSkin, Trinity Mirror, Breakingviews

InSkin Virgin Media’s sales house IDS is losing associate diretor Phil Townend to InSkin Media, where he will be commercial director in the new year. InSkin’s ad model wraps ads around publisher’s video player but leaves the videos viewable. Via NMA.

Trinity in Liverpool: Trinity Mirror (LSE: TNI) has named some senior digital recruits in Liverpool in its recently-announced multimedia integration, which sees 78 jobs lost. Liverpool Daily Post deputy ed Alison Gow is named digital executive editor, Liverpool Echo deputy ed Andrew Campbell becomes executive editor. Via

Breakingviews The financial commentary wire is adding former Reuters editor-in-chief Geert Linnebank to its board as a non-executive director. Dutchman Linnebank has worked for AP, Dow Jones (NYSE: NWS) and AFP and is also on ITN’s board.