MP3 Price War: Amazon Offers 29p MP3s As iTunes Intros Tiers

imageAmazon (NSDQ: AMZN) MP3 has dropped the price of another 100 music tracks from £0.59 to £0.29, in time for the introduction of rival iTunes Store’s new three-tier pricing structure.

As announced by Steve Jobs at January’s final Macworld, iTunes tracks from today cost £0.59, £0.79 or £0.79 – the older, the cheaper. In an apparent marketing ploy, Amazon yesterday extended the £0.29 Christmas promotion from merely the top 10 songs. Unlike Apple (NSDQ: AAPL), however, Amazon’s price applies to some of the most popular new songs.

Apple reorganised its pricing structure at the behest of labels, which wanted more flexibility on what they charge. But comparing like with like can be difficult – Amazon MP3 tracks can run up to £2.89 or even higher. Here’s a quick ‘n dirty comparison…

— Noisettes (Don’t Upset The Rhythm, Baby) – Amazon promo £0.29, iTunes £0.79
— Kings Of Leon (Sex On Fire) – Amazon promo £0.29, iTunes £0.79
— Bat For Lashes (Daniel) – Amazon £1.09, iTunes £0.79
— Marillion (Grendel) – Amazon £2.89, iTunes album only £7.99
— London Philharmonic Orchestra (The Planets, Op. 32) – Amazon £1.89, iTunes £0.79