Broadband Content Bits: VOD Stats, OiNK Cleared, Nexus Cheaper

VOD stats 20 percent of net users surveyed by TalkTalk said they watched or downloaded TV from the net over Christmas, for an average 2.5 hours. 28 percent watched YouTube, 19 percent played games, 57 percent emailed, 40 percent did social networking. Via TalkTalk.

OiNK clearance: A court cleared Alan Ellis, operator of P2P site OiNK, of conspiracy to defraud. Ellis had taken donations from site users and was found to have brought in $300,000 this way, but argued it was only for site up-keep. NB. this wasn’t a copyright case. More from PA.

Nexus cheaper: Google (NSDQ: GOOG) is already knocking $100 (£61) off its new phone’s $379 (£232) price tag for existing T-Mobile USA customers, who had complained about the fee. No word of same move in the UK, where Vodafone (NYSE: VOD) will subsidise the phone with a new contract. Via NMA.