BBC Global News Streamlines Digital Exec Roles

After the BBC’s Global News director Richard Sambrook’s recent exit, the corporation is taking the opportunity to combine about eight executive roles in to four, saving £600,000 in the process, reports.

BBC World News’ digital content director James Montgomery, who joined from the FT in 2009, finds his role disappears, while Mike Cronk, the division’s controller for future media, technology and distribution, is leaving. That could leave Montgomery favourite in applying for a new role of digital and technology director for Global News.

The roles being eliminated…

— Director of BBC World Service
BBC Global News’ controller Future Media, Technology & Distribution (Mike Cronk)
— Head of governance and public affairs (Hugh Saxby)
— Director of BBC World News (Sian Kevill)
— Director BBC World Service English (Gwyneth Williams)
Director of digital content, BBC World News (James Montgomery)
— Commercial director, BBC World News (Colin Lawrence)
— Controller, strategy business and development for BBC Global News (Jim Egan)

New roles…

— Controller of digital and technology, Global News (replacing Montgomery’s role)
— A business director (combining the Lawrence and Egan roles)
— A controller of English (combining Kevill and Williams’ roles)
— Controller of languages

Global News is the division that operates outputs like the BBC News site outside the UK, the BBC World News TV channel, the World Service and the BBC World News America show.