AOL Still Staffing Up European Media Division

AOL (NYSE: AOL), which last week added a director of its AOL Media team in the UK, is adding three more more senior hires to the division, all in marketing…

— Scott Joslin becomes director of research and business intelligence.

— Shine Communications’ creative and digital director Scott Williams becomes head of creative solutions.

— Yahoo (NSDQ: YHOO) and MySpace (NYSE: NWS) alum Fraser Rattray is trade and product marketing manager.

Joslin and Williams report to AOL Europe’s recently-appointed head of media and marketing David Shing, while Rattray reports to AOL Europe’s individual marketing director Eugenia Makhlin.

AOL also tells us that, in addition to Julian Downing, who is joining as AOL Media director, it also has another director in that team – Dan Bolger, who oversees information channels, news, sport, weather, finance and European homepages.