Hackgate Latest: Post-Murdoch Planning, Sarah Payne And More…

The latest developments in News International’s voicemail tapping saga and the fall-out for News Corp…

News Corp asks shareholders about post-Murdoch planning: Results of survey by PR firm may go to board, Bloomberg says.

James Murdoch ‘remains’ BSkyB chair: Reuters (NYSE: TRI) reports after Murdoch chaired Thursday board meet.

BSkyB buying back £1 billion in shares?: WSj reports. BSkyB (NYSE: BSY) annual earnings due Friday.

NOTW P.I. “hacked” Sara Payne’s mother’s phone: The paper had successfully lobbied the UK government, in Sarah Payne’s name, for parents’ access to the sex offenders’ register, following Sara’s 2000 murder by one such offender. Turns out, its private investigator also accessed her voicemail.

Public inquiry may take more than a year: The judge chairing the inquiry in to issues surrounding the “hacking” scandal says its scope has widened so much it may take longer than the one-year timeframe. Here is the panel he named.

9/11 families meet U.S. attorney general: Concerned victims’ relatives discuss FBI probe in to U.S. hack allegations.

NOTW staff offered jobs in frozen north: Redundant offered redeployment in Russia, South Africa, Siberia, Finland and Dubai.

CNN denies hack claims on Piers Morgan’s behalf: Digging continues in to Daily Mirror’s conduct.

Profile of new NOTW internal inquirer: FT portraits Viet Dinh.