CTV’s Future, According To Innovid’s Helmreich: All Digital, More Engaging & Measurement-Centric

CANNES — Many people think they know what the future of Connected TV(CTV) will be.

Dave Helmreich, Chief Commercial Officer, believes it will be not only digital but also more engaging and measurement-centric.

In this video interview with Tameka Kee for Beet.TV, he shares his insights on the growth of CTV, the power of personalized ad creatives, and the critical role of unified measurement.

CTV’s continued growth and inevitable digital transition

Helmreich says: “CTV has taken an impression share.”

He asserts that “CTV will continue to grow and will continue to take share. TV will be all digital at some point in the future.”

As user behavior continues to evolve and families no longer stick to traditional TV schedules, Helmreich believes the choice on how, when, and where to watch TV will continue to expand.

Effectiveness and outcomes

As that happens, advertisers are going to find heightened effectiveness from targeted ads.

“We found a 600% lift in consumer engagement with advanced creative work,” Helmreich adds.

This uplift signals that consumers are more likely to engage with an ad that is tailored to their preferences and environment.

Still, Helmreich cautions against buyers looking on CTV as analogous to other digital media.

“People expect CTV to behave just like digital. It’s not, it is different. So we need to think about it differently, but there is an expectation now, as the industry evolves, as tech evolves, that we get more capability, from our spend and more insight from our spend, not less,” he concludes.