Yahoo’s Armstrong Sees ‘Exciting’ Maturation Of Retail Media

SAN JUAN, PR — Does a heritage in search translate into success in the new “retail media network” space?

Mallory Armstrong thinks so, and she thinks new-look TV tech can make it happen.

In this video interview with Beet.TV, Armstrong, Head of TV Data Strategy, Business Development, Yahoo, outlines how she is seeing the opportunity develop.

Retail media rising

In 2022, Lowe’s integrated Yahoo’s DSP and ConnectID identity solution with its own One Roof Media Network ad platform.

The hook-up means advertisers buying on Lowe’s own network can also purchase inventory via Yahoo Member Connect.

eMarketer expects such retail media networks will take 18.1% of all digital ad spend in the US in 2023.

US Digital Retail Media Ad Spending, 2019-2024 (billions, % change, and % of digital ad spending)

‘Exciting time’

For Yahoo’s Armstrong, there is plenty of growth headroom.

“I think that we are still in the early / mid days for these retail media networks,” she tells Beet.TV.

“It is a really exciting time as people are no longer questioning ‘Should I do this?’, but (rather), ‘How should I do this best?’

“They do see these opportunities with Yahoo. With our background, our understanding of that consumer relationship, how to navigate those complex policy and privacy laws that are coming our way.

“Also we have built a full-funnel suite to allow them to understand not only how they’re reaching their consumers but – now with this exciting convergence of the CTV advertising space with retail media network – how a TV ad is actually driving down or supporting that ultimate conversion.”

You’re watching coverage of Beet Retreat San Juan 2023, presented by LiveRamp, Madhive, Magnite, Paramount, T-Mobile Advertising Solutions and VideoAmp. For more videos from the Beet Retreat, please visit this page.