Publishers Should Be More Proactive On Clean Rooms: Optable’s Prudhomme

MARCO ISLAND, Fla. — At the IAB’s recent Annual Leadership Meeting (ALM), one of the key questions heard between sessions was: “What’s your clean room strategy?”

One executive says too many publishers are unable to answer that question proactively.

In this video interview with Mike Shields for Beet.TV, James Prudhomme, CRO, Optable, says publishers should stop letting buyers spring clean room demands on them.

Lean in

“What I hear from a lot of publishers is that they kind of want to lean back a little bit, take their time in terms of clean room adoption,” he told Shields at the ALM.

“I hear all the time, ‘Well, I want to wait for an advertiser to come to me and say, ‘This is the clean room that I want to use’, and then that publisher will then go out and adopt that clean room.

“We are trying to let publishers know that they need to lean forward a little bit more. They need to think about picking a partner that enables interoperability with different types of clean room infrastructure. Publishers really have to start thinking about this stuff now.”

Prudhomme says publishers with a clean room effectively have a new product they can sell, wherein data matching is a new kind of offering. That means they need to re-think pricing, but they also need to examine legal compliance.

Clean start

Clean rooms allow companies to use and share data in a controlled and secure environment, ensuring that sensitive information is protected and that the privacy of consumers is not violated.

They are used for tasks such as audience insights, audience segmentation and activation, and measurement and attribution.

The IAB’s ILM was shown new IAB survey results indicating industry adoption of the platforms.

Data Clean Rooms Take Significant Investment, But Offer Huge Potential: IAB’s Pam Zucker

Responsible rights

Optable is a clean room software vendor founded by three men who previously founded adGear, acquired by Samsung Ads.

The trio started the new company in response to privacy legislation like GDPR and the demise of device identifiers like cookies and device IDs.

But Prudhomme is seeing brands adopt the tech out of more than just compulsion.

“Even if you set aside the legal framework, brands in this country are really realising that they have a trust relationship and a social licence, if you will, with their users,” he says.

“The preservation of that data and maintaining the sanctity and the privacy of it is really, really important.”

Integration intention

Optable in January announced an integration with Snowflake, the data platform.

It will allow publishers and media owners to activate audiences based on matches obtained using clean room functionality in Snowflake, without data being moved out of Snowflake.

Prudhomme explains: “A company using Optable – let’s say, for example, a publisher or a media owner, CTV provider, for example – can invite an advertiser that uses Snowflake to execute a secure match operation (and) understand the overlapping audience without that advertiser having to move their data out of Snowflake and without that advertiser having to be an Optable customer.