Agility, Control, Data: Sorrell’s Watchwords For 2025 Brands

CANNES — In an industry that moves as fast as digital marketing, it isn’t really that far away.

So, what does one of the business’ best reads of tea leaves think brands will look like in 2025?

In this video interview with Beet.TV editorial advisor Jon Watts at Cannes Lions, Sir Martin Sorrell, Executive Chairman, S4 Capital, explains his outlook.

2025 vision

Sorrell outlined three priorities.

1. Agility

“Agility is the premium quality in a 24/7, always-on world,” he said.

“Kellogg’s, that’s being pretty agile when you are prepared to split yourself into three.”

2. Control

“Take back control,” Sorrell urged. “You need to have more control of your content.

“Most marketers surrender control and outsource more to agencies and third parties after the great financial crisis. So, (adopt) embedded models where we embed people inside clients or in-house models. There is a shift at the moment because of economic conditions, to more outsourcing, get(ting) rid of the head count internally and move it out.”

3. First-party data

Apple’s IDFA change and Google’s deprecation of cookies are driving more marketers to take ownership of their consumer relationship.

“It’s not brain surgery, but synthesising your data into a manageable form, you then use the platform signals,” Sorell said.

The next act

The former WPP CEO is now executive chairman of his own S4 Capital, the group building a digital marketing services company through its main Media.Monks division.

Sorrell previously gave Beet.TV a detailed dive into his company’s priorities, revenue and client list, expecting to pass $1 billion in revenue partly by amassing clients from the tech space.

Having previously led the world’s largest ad agency holding group, he knows a thing or two about the importance of agility.

Sir Martin On Tech-Driven Growth And The Quest For ‘Whoppers’

Tech future

Sorrell acknowledges that the trend in brands “in-housing” certain marketing functions from agencies continues.

But he is also seeing many others outsource functions in pursuit ot healthier finances.

Despite a troubling time for some tech companies, Sorrell forecasts a continuing tech boom, as the geo-political climate pushes a new set of customers toward tech firms.

You are watching ‘The Mediaocean Retreat’, a Beet.TV Leadership Summit at Cannes Lions 2022.

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