How To Build A Social Brand: Twitter, Meta, LinkedIn, Pinterest Execs Discuss On Cannes Panel

CANNES — With people spending more than two hours per day on social media, the platforms are bigger than ever.

And, with $63 billion expected to be spent on the platforms this year by US companies alone, social advertising is bigger than ever, too.

But, when brands and their agencies are busy trying to fill the range of unique networks, as well as other media channels, efficiently, what is the best approach to executing creative in social environments?

In this panel discussion at Cannes Lions, those questions were posted by Joanna O’Connell, VP, principal analyst, Forrester, to creative leaders from four of the major social networks:

  • Allyson Resh, Content Partner Lead, LinkedIn
  • Christina Keller, Head of Creative Intelligence, Meta
  • Tom Chirico, Head of Creative Development, Twitter Next Lab
  • Jason Wire, Senior Lead, Creative Strategy, Pinterest

Get visual on Pinterest

There are ways to ‘intercept people in a moment’, said Jason Wire, Senior Lead, Creative Strategy, Pinterest:

“Recently, Jameson released a new product called Jameson Orange. Obviously, they showed this to people looking for cocktail recipes, planning, holiday parties.”

“But they also know that people come to Pinterest to build mood boards, to look for orange wall colour ideas, which is a trending colour palette. So they actually did an entire colour takeover and colour interception as a way to kind of reach people in that open mindset.”

Shape, don’t shovel, on LinkedIn

Allyson Resh, Content Partner Lead, LinkedIn, cautioned brands against playing it safe:

“The most effective B2B marketers … make an emotional connection with their audience. Far too many brands … lead with a rational appeal in their B2B marketing.”

“For us, it is about … not just taking your TV commercial and repurposing it and running it in the LinkedIn feed. The brands who are really effective on LinkedIn are the brands who tell interesting stories and they spark conversations that matter.”

Create conversation on Twitter

Tom Chirico, Head of Creative Development, Twitter Next Lab, said brands can excel in social at less-regular, conversation-worthy events:

“For an idea to be great, it needs to either drive conversation or help people connect to a conversation that’s happening in culture.

“When I think about durability of an idea … they’re the ones that help brands continually connect with a conversation that we know is going to be happening.”

Chirico cited an example of American Express’ annual Small Business Saturday event, following Thanksgiving, part of its Shop Small (#shopsmall) campaign.

Creative tools in context on Meta

Using channel-specific tools is important because what works in one medium won’t in another, said Christina Keller, Head of Creative Intelligence, Meta:

“Where does my super-slick TV spot translate into something that looks like Whiskas on Instagram Stories? … You have your brand cues, you have the silver tin, you have the cat mask, you have your colour coding and typography.

“There might be nuances such as stickers or visual collage style that you would never apply ATL (above-the-line) because it just would make your brand look ridiculous. It’s contextual language.”

You are watching ‘The Mediaocean Retreat’, a Beet.TV Leadership Summit at Cannes Lions 2022.

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