Connect The Dots From The Center: DIRECTV’s Jamison On TV Efficiency

How can an industry undergoing transformation reintroduce simplicity after innovation has wrought complexity?

DIRECTV thinks it can help, by being a distributor for programmers.

In this video interview with Beet.TV, Matt Jamison, Group Vice President, Digital and Demand Partnerships, DIRECTV, says that kind of player has a role to improve operational efficiency.

In the thick of it

“Our approach is a little bit different than maybe a programmer,” he says.

“We know that there is some friction within the actual buying process, that we need to sort of break down as operational workflows become even more important within agencies over the next couple years.

“And so we’re looking to focus a lot of our attention there, on more of our satellite business or linear business in which we can start to get into workflows that are faster and quicker to sort of make planning decisions, execute buys and essentially sort of pull back any measurement that’s needed on the DIRECTV streaming side of that business with programmatic.

“There’s a lot to do there in terms of ‘How we start to enrich our data with viewership level-level buyers?’”

Fragmented future

As the recent wave of connect TV and OTT TV innovation has gathered pace in recent years, it has become apparent that the traditional consensus system of TV distribution has fragmented into a smorgasbord of direct-from-supplier programmer platforms.

Whilst many of them now offer advanced targeting opportunities, the proliferation of unique environments is also a challenge for ad buyers.

Jamison suggests a company which is a service provider for programmers has a shot at consolidating and easing some of that friction.

Programmatic traditional

This week, sell-side ad platform provider Magnite was picked by DIRECTV for programmatic ad sales enablement.

The company will extend programmatic automation to DIRECTV’s traditional TV inventory.

That will start with on-demand, working work enabling linear for programmatic by next year as a goal.