Vizio’s TransUnion Data Deal Supports Ad-Frequency Control: Oz Lang

Vizio has been building itself a powerful offering in the application of its viewer data for ad sales on its platform.

Now it is ready to extend the offering off the platform, too.

In this video interview with Beet.TV, Oz Lang, vice president of product management at the TV maker, explains a just-announced deal through which Vizio will link with consumer data provider TransUnion.

Platform expansion

In the announcement, Vizio is expanding its Household Connect cross-device ad platform to extend their campaigns beyond TV to other touchpoint and devices.

TransUnion’s TruAudience identity and data marketplace is being included into Vizio’s Household Connect.

“The biggest value here is essentially connecting the same data that our advertisers are looking to utilize on our platform off our platform,” Lang says.

“Having this really high-efficacy match with TransUnion against all of our ACR viewership data allows us to take all of their demographic information, the data marketplace information that they have, apply that with our ACR data, which our clients are very excited about utilizing on platform, and take that and use those same targets off platform.”

Data deals

Vizio’s Inscape division was already collecting accurate viewer data, through automatic content recognition (ACR), made actionable for targeting purposes.

But last year the company also unveiled Household Connect, a way to use that viewer data to retarget audiences on other devices.

That is the basis for the latest deal, which also follows Vizio’s earlier-signed data partnership with Yahoo.

Case study

Going cross-platform allows buyers to get a broader scope when it comes to frequency control of ad exposures.

For Lang, that isn’t just theory, it’s reality.

“We had a cable network recently have about 64% uplift on their viewership on a (show) premier that they had running,” he says, “As you had this joint messaging between the CTV platform and then off-platform, you would raise awareness and ad recall by pretty significant amounts.

“(It was) 80% awareness increase, 90% on ad recall. Having that continuous messaging both on- and off-platform really helped the consumers remember and engage with the marketing tactics that the cable network had.”