Comscore’s ‘Everywhere’ Gets A Phased Roll-Out: Wilson

After a “decade” preparing its big cross-platform measurement future, comScore is giving customers each piece of the puzzle as soon as they become available.

The company recently announced Comscore Everywhere, what it’s calling “a true single-source unified cross-platform measurement solution”.

In this video interview with Beet.TV, comScore chief commercial officer Chris Wilson explains how and why it is coming to market.

Understand overlap

“We’ve seen the challenges that the marketplace has faced with small panels this year,” Wilson says, alluding to the challenges Nielsen has faced measuring TV consumption using panels through the pandemic.

“We have the experience and the understanding of how to work with this information in order to understand the overlap between the different types of content that’s consumed. Whether that be a linear or whether that be digitally, or whether it be social.

“Having that at scale, based on fragmentation that exists today, is critical, because we understand the true overlap, which allows us to do the unduplicated reach and frequency across both ads and content.”

Thirst for cross-platform

Despite Nielsen’s panel situation, the industry clamor for cross-media measurement is broad-based and widespread.

In response to the cry for standardization of complex, proliferating media metrics, a growing glut of cross-platform currencies is expanding by the week.

Comscore Everywhere is a unification of Comscore platforms with sight of consumer behavior across millions of TV, VOD, OTT, desktop and mobile screens.

It claims to offer “proper deduplication and contextualization”.

And Comscore plans to create a “common comparable “Audience Definition” across media and screens powered by a singular dataset and methodology”.

Ready to release

Wilson acknowledges the thirst from advertisers and media owners who want to develop cross-platform understanding as soon as possible.

“This is very much a phased approach,” Wilson says.

“Components are available today for clients to use. And, as we go through 2022, more and more of these pieces that we rolled out.

Our plan is to provide these component piece as we go through the year, so our customers and the marketplace can take advantage of it as they become available.”

Bringing it together

Wilson acknowledges comScore hasn’t always been the best set up to develop a cross-platform picture.

“We feel we spent a decade preparing for this,” he says.

“ComScore’s had a lot of these data assets in silos, the way the media’s been bought and sold in the past.

“ComScore Everywhere is really the cross-platform solution suite that brings all those components together. It mirrors way consumers today consume content, whether that be through their linear or through social or any of the other components that they have.”

The system can also be used by media sellers, Wilson says.

You are watching “Advertising Transformation: What’s Next for Converged TV and Video,” a Beet.TV Virtual Leadership Summit presented by Mediaocean. For more videos, please visit this page.