CTV’s Smarts Must Be Matched With Measurement: Samsung Ads’ Wiltshire

With connected TV, advertisers are standing at the gateway of an advertising ecosystem powered by treasure troves of viewer data.

But they need to be able to effectively measure that data alongside other platforms’ to achieve cross-channel simplicity.

That is according to Lizzie Wiltshire, Head of Client Solutions, Samsung Ads.

The CTV advantage

In this video interview with Beet.TV, Wiltshire tells editorial advisor Jon Watts viewer data from CTV has three advantages:

  1. It’s deterministic. There are huge data sets, which are a real weapon in any advertiser’s arsenal. When you multiply that by millions of TVs, this gives advertisers really actionable insights to be able to reach audiences.”
  2. It’s unique; sources of data we’ve never had before. We have a really rounded understanding of smart TV usage, be it linear or OTT or gaming.”
  3. It’s only going to grow. When you think about how the TV’s role has changed over the last decade and how it’s used and the data that’s available, it’s quite a leap. As smart TVs get smarter, the role it plays gets bigger, and the wealth of data only increases.”

Game on

TV makers these days are leveraging automatic content recognition (ACR) technology, which helps to track the programming and commercials that appear on their connected TVs (CTVs).

That data, when piped into ad systems, can give ad buyers vital clues about which households to target which with ads.

But it’s not just about TV. Samsung Ads has sight of any device plugged into its smart TVs.

“Gaming is an area where we’ve got really unique insights,” Wiltshire adds. “We know what console or consoles are plugged into a smart TV, and we can reach those TVs when we know that the viewer is in game-play mode, navigating towards their console.

“We also know the types of games they play, so we can reach the most relevant audience. And on top of that, we can then share the impact of exposure to an ad on future gameplay. For gaming, I think we can really combine the power of data with the power of TV advertising.”

Samsung unveiled its Game Hub at CES, putting cloud gaming front-and-center alongside TV shows.

Measurement imperative

For all that prowess and capability, however, Wiltshire still thinks measurement has a way to go.

“It’s just not fully-fledged,” she says. “The real risk is that, without measurement, advertisers won’t have the confidence to move the budget, and they won’t find these shifted audiences.

“Advertisers know viewership has shifted. But it’s fragmented, and there’s no one platform or channel that’s picking up the shift.

“So measurement is really key to give advertisers the confidence to not only move their spend, but also to know where to move their spend.”

You are watching “Advanced TV Advertising in the UK: The Next Three Years,” a Beet.TV leadership series presented by Finecast. For more videos, please visit this page.