CTV Can Excel At Serving Diverse Viewers: Magnite Research

By now, we all now that connected TV channels offer the power to reach distinct groups or households.

But who exactly is on the end of those messages? Magnite’s just-published CTV For Everyone research study aimed to find out.

In this video interview with Beet.TV, the company’s chief revenue officer for CTV, Sean Buckley, discusses some of the findings from an exercise which surveyed 1,200 US consumers and 5,000 more in five EU countries.

CTV audiences are more diverse

CTV viewers are more likely to be non-white than traditional TV viewers.

For Buckley, that represents an opportunity for advertisers and programmers.

“CTV audiences are more diverse across age and ethnicity and reflective of the national population whereas traditional TV reaches an older, more homogenous audience,” he says.

“To better serve ethnically diverse audiences, we expect CTV media owners and content producers to invest in and deliver more culturally programming. This includes non-English content as well.”

CTV better represents America

It is not just that CTV offers the chance to reach other ethnic groups.

Despite the media’s respective differences, Buckley says CTV’s broader audience is becoming “truly representative of the national population” overall.

Older consumers are more likely to watch traditional TV than others, the research found. Few would be surprised at that finding.

But, for Buckley, the takeaway is intriguing.

“CTV is the best way to reach multi-generational households with three or more people, which means advertising has a greater potential around co-viewing,” he says.

Revving-up representation

The driving impulse for all of that, though, is deeper than just marketing results; it is societal.

“Recognition and representation have become important considerations, both for content producers, as well as advertisers,” says Magnite’s Buckley.

“More than ever, audiences want programming that reflects their identities and is supported by brands that respect their values.”

As Magnite’s press release puts it: “While traditional TV audiences have become more homogeneous, CTV viewers encompass a representative cohort of ages and backgrounds.”

You are watching “CTV Links Advertisers With More Diverse Audiences,” a Beet.TV leadership series presented by Magnite. For more videos, please visit this page.