Creative Planning Is AI’s ‘Next Frontier’: IAB Tech Lab’s Richardson

What if the acronym “AI” really stood for “Advertising Intelligence”?

That’s the kind of question Orchid Richardson is asking at IAB Tech Lab.

As VP & MD, Programmatic & Data Center, at the industry body’s research unit, Richardson is leading an exploratory exercise to codify standards for the application of artificial intelligence in advertising.

On the case

In this video interview with Beet.TV, Richardson updates us on the developments.

“What we’ve really been focused on for the last year and a half really, is around setting standards for AI,” she says.

“Our initial work has really been around identifying the use cases of how AI can be used in marketing.”

AI makes its move

Over the last few years, artificial intelligence has already made significant in-roads into digital ad products – everything from helping to tag moments in TV shows to scoring ad inventory.

Richardson says use cases identified include:

  • Audience development: “Using the information that they already have, a lot of first party data that they already have about their customers to identify new audiences that they should target.”
  • Product development: “Using it to inform decisions around what products they need to come to market and where they need to be.”
  • Measurement: “At the end of the campaign, how to use AI to analyse the success or failure of a campaign in order to make adjustments to move forward.”
  • Creative: “AI can actually help brands and marketers make decisions about what creative they need to serve and how it should be designed and look and feel.”

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The next frontier

But Richardson says the application of AI in creative is really “the next frontier”.

“Right now, we’ve already talked about dynamic creatives, that’s something that’s been in the industry for a very long time,” she says.

“But AI can actually help brands and marketers make decisions about what creative they need to serve and how it should be designed and look and feel.

“So I think that’s the next frontier in terms of from a marketer and advertiser perspective.”

You are watching “Media In Transition: How AI is Powering Change,” a Beet.TV leadership video series presented by IBM Watson Advertising. For more videos, please visit this page