Many Roads To Buy: Viacom’s Zilberbrand On Marketplaces & More

SAN JUAN, PR — How much methods should a broadcaster use through which to take advertising dollars, and how much control should it exert?

Those were some of the questions being asked at the recent Beet Retreat San Juan 2020, when Julian Zilberbrand stepped up.

Zilberbrand, EVP of audience science at Viacom, was asked by Furious Corp CEO Ashley J. Swartz about marketplaces.

“Marketplace is very important,” he said. “We were a founding member of OpenAP. We probably do more advanced TV than most because we believe in what it is and we believe in and how to make that work, and we believe that that’s a value for the market.

“Within the structure of that, we think that it makes sense to kind of create multiple opportunities for different ways to kind of invest with us. If you want to invest with us traditionally, we’re more than happy to do that. If you want to invest with us in advanced way with data at the centre, we’re more than happy to do that as well.”

Zilberbrand went on to describe multiple “variations” of marketplace.

The conversation was led by Furious Corp CEO Ashley J. Shwartz.

This video was produced  at the Beet Retreat San Juan 2020 sponsored by 605, DISH Media, NBCU, Roundel & Tubi.  For more videos from the series, please visit this landing page