Tru Optik Draws A Line From TV To Smart Speakers: Swanston

SAN JUAN, PR — It turns out that many of the advanced software practices being applied to the advanced TV landscape in order to better target and understand advertising deployments can also be useful in a media world without pictures.

In this video interview with Beet.TV, Tru Optik CEO and co-founder Andre Swanston says his company has branched out from just over-the-top TV, to also offer the same functionality for smart speakers.

“Even though all the sexiness is there across over-the-top and connected TV … we saw the same things happening with streaming audio, with the proliferation of smart speakers

“The same technological challenges that the industry was struggling with in terms of doing audience-based advertising across connected TV, they were also having with all these smart speakers.

“And so we saw it was an opportunity for us to go in to and tie that – that data was tied to our household graph. Streaming audio is something that we projected being maybe 1% or 2% of our revenue for 2019 and being more than 12%. so that’s how fast it grew.”

Tru Optik is a data management platform which facilitates
identity resolution and data management for the streaming media ecosystem

The Stamford, CT-based company’s solutions include:

Earlier, the company partnered with SpotX to create a connected TV ads marketplace and launched a suite to support the measurement of connected TV ad efficacy.

Many of its customers now even white-label the platform in to their own solutions.

A lot has been said over the last year about “identity resolution” – the practice of recognising a single consumer across all of her devices.

For Swanston: “It’s the ability for people to take audience intelligence around a consumer across omni-channel and multiple devices and platforms to have a consistent understanding of that audience.”

Swanston was interviewed by TV[R]EV co-founder Alan Wolk at Beet Retreat San Juan 2020, where he was a participant.

This video was produced  at the Beet Retreat San Juan 2020 sponsored by 605, DISH Media, NBCU, Roundel & Tubi.   For more videos from the series, please visit this landing page