Advanced Advertising on Linear TV Coming Into Focus, FreeWheel’s Dave Clark

While systems for advance targeting ads to individuals and groups have been well established  for digital video, these solutions are becoming increasingly attainable for linear television programming.  This emerging sector will be on of the main topics of a half-day Beet.TV event on October 22 hosted by Publicis Media and sponsored by FreeWheel and LiveRamp.  See the speakers and moderators on this page.

In advance of the event, we interviewed one of the event’s keynote speakers, David Clark, GM & EVP at FreeWheel, a Comcast company.

“You’re starting to see technologies come online in that world that do look and behave more like digital,” says  Clark, in this video interview.

“Take just ad serving, for example. The concept of ad serving has never existed in linear television, that sophistication. It’s been more of a scheduling exercise.”

But companies like FreeWheel imbue their ad serving technology with awareness of TV schedules, allowing broadcasters to serve customized ads for play-out.

“That provides the publisher first with pretty meaningful improvements to their own yield, their own ability to use their inventory to drive more value for marketers.” Clark says.

This is the “first step” in connecting up linear and digital ad inventory, says Clark.

Household Addressability Is Happening

Clark says household-level addressability customized ads in linear schedules are finally real, after years of anticipation.

He was speaking after his Comcast, Cox and Charter this summer launched On Addressability, a joint initiative to offer advertising customers targeted ads across the outlets.

Speakers & Moderators on October 22, Hosted by Publicis Media: