Getting Precise At The Household Level: Tru Optik’s Vermeulen explains Integration with Amobee

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — For some devices, ad targeting is all about profiling and reaching individual users with laser precision.

The emerging online TV landscape is a little different. After all, television – at least, the one that persists in the corner or on the wall of a living room is a shared device.

“Connected TV is it’s all about the household, for both targeting and measurement,” says Tru Optik COO Frans Vermeulen in this video interview with Beet.TV.

Vermeulen’s  Tru Optik is a data management platform which facilitates ads for connected TV platforms.

Earlier, the company partnered with SpotX to create a connected TV ads marketplace and launched a suite to support the measurement of connected TV ad efficacy.

Vermeulen had been VP of advanced strategy and operations at Comcast before he joined Tru Optik in April.

Now the company is connecting with Amobee, another ad-tech firm, to help the latter’s customers better target connected TV ads.

Describing the integration, Vermeulen says: “(It) is the ability to do targeting at the household level from our cross section of 3,000 – at this point and growing – syndicated (consumer data) segments.

“So, any client of Amobee can just log into the platform, select Tru Optik as a data partner, and then access those 3,000 segments from the classic syndicated segment providers – like IHS for auto, comScore for demo(graphics) and 3,000 other ones.”

This video was produced in San Juan, Puerto Rico at the Beet.TV executive retreat. Please find more videos from the series on this page.  The Beet Retreat was presented by NCC along with Amobee, Dish Media, Oath and Google.